treatment for teen drug addiction

Residential Treatment for Troubled Teens

A safe and therapeutic program for teens struggling with behavioral, mental health & substance abuse issues

Elk River Treatment Program for Troubled Teens

The Elk River Teen Treatment Program is a therapeutic & academic program for troubled teens ages 12 to 18.

Our teen treatment program provides diagnostic, assessment, education and therapeutic treatment services to youth that are struggling with behavior, mental health and/or substance abuse issues. Unlike wilderness programs which often require participants to set up a new base camp each day, Elk River Treatment Program (ERTP) provides the outdoor and indoor amenities to allow a multidisciplinary treatment team and support staff to evaluate, assess and develop a treatment plan to address the needs of each client in the program.

Our residential setting provides around-the-clock supervision so a clear diagnosis can be determined by our treatment team, led by a child and adolescent forensic psychiatrist.

ERTP recognizes that most personal progress involves discovery. Our program provides the disciplined, highly structured and respectful environment necessary for life-changing discoveries to occur. Experienced and caring professionals challenge and guide each of our clients on the path to self-awareness while encouraging teamwork and individual skill development. Through our program, teens develop a higher level of self-confidence and a heightened sense of self. Our success is due to combined components of healing and recovery through daily therapy, physician-directed medication management, daily exercise and proper diet, and one-on-one attention in the classroom.

The goals of ERTP clients are supported by a closely screened, highly recruited and trained staff. ERTP clients participate in group therapy daily, individual therapy and family therapy weekly at a minimum. Clients work on academic course work year-round and participate in hands-on learning projects daily.

Our Teen Treatment Program Team

We believe parents are essential members of the ERTP Treatment Team. Our staff work closely with parents to help them understand their child’s progress or setbacks while in treatment, and receive weekly updates from their child's primary therapist. Each client has an individualized treatment plan, developed by a multidisciplinary treatment team including:

  • Parents
  • Supervisors
  • Trained counselors
  • Clinician
  • Professional Referral Sources

Common issues that we see upon admission include:

  • ADD or ADHD
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Conduct Disorder
  • Defiance
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Grief
  • Trauma
  • Disrespect
  • Dual Diagnosis
  • Adoption/Abandonment
  • Alcohol/Drug Use and Abuse
  • Immaturity
  • Impulsiveness
  • Lack of Motivation
  • Learning Differences
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Mood Difficulties
  • Obesity
  • Online Gaming Addiction
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  • Poor Peer Relationships
  • Reactive Attachment Disorder
  • Truancy/Poor School Performance

Although most troubled teens will be considered for admission, ERTP does not accept teens that are diagnosed with unstable eating disorders, predatory behavior or severe intellectual disabilities. While children may be coping with social, psychological or emotional issues, they must be physically capable of exercise without significant physical/medical conditions.

Contact an admissions adviser at 866-906-TEEN (8336) to learn how we can help your family.